Amsterdam House of Arts & Crafts


Break to make


New mosaïcs course

Making something new, by breaking something that is not broken. Sounds like a silly idea and yet. 

Mosaïcs is as old as Masopotamia and a beautiful way to make sustainable art works, from garden paths, artobjects, wall decorations and park benches. 

You find beautiful examples in churches, in ancient Roman bath houses, and in artworks troughout the whole world like close to us at the Nieuwmarkt in Amsterdam. 

Wouldn't it be nice to break some and make some yourself. Now you can. Join our Mosaïcs course .

If you have questions, please feel free to drop us a line. 

Hello world

Let's get creative together

We'd love to see you make some amazing ART


Wednesday evening

TIme: 19:30-22:00

Continuous schedule. You are welcome to start your creative journey at any Wednesday in the year. We host the classes every Wednesday evening and as long as we have spots available you are welcome to join. This continuous schedule means that you buy a package of classes and take them at your convenience.

Simple, easy and very flexible.

Including basic tiles, use of tools, one wooden surface to mosaïc (bowl, vase, flat). You can take your own surface to use (table top, stool etc)

No time to take the course?

Try the Mosaïcs workshop


6 Classes

Price: € 255,-

This option is perfect for busy people who travel a lot or just want experience a creative evening now and again to get their hands dirty and their mind free of thought and be in the moment Take six lessons and fit this creative course in your busy schedule this year and feel the thrill of making a mosaïc.


12 Classes + 1 for free

Price: € 510,-

This option is perfect for you when you know your busy schedule is prohibiting you from joining every week but you do want to have a place to go and be creative more often this year. Sign up for our medium package of 12 classes and get 1 extra class for free! Lets meet and be creative.


18 classes + 2 for free

Price: € 765,-

Ok you are all in. This option is perfect for you when you want to immerse yourself in this new creative endeavor. Nothing stands in your way to go all in. Sign up f0r the large package and give yourself a creative outlet, the gift of creativity and a new creative beginning. Buy 18 classes and get 2 extra classes for free!


1. We offer classes every week:


2 You buy a package of classes:

With a validity of 1 year 

3 Buy pack of 6, 12+1, or 18+2 classes:

You choose when you start.

Start your creative journey with us.

Amsterdam House of Arts & Crafts offers you the possibility to start your creative journey at your own time and pace. You choose how many classes you buy in a package and schedule them around your own agenda.

We are all busy people that sometimes want to go on holliday, have business duties or other engagements which sometimes makes it hard to attend the classes every week. 

This is why you can choose a package with a number of classes which is valid for one year,  from the date of your first class. We offer package of six, twelve + one or eighteen + two classes. When you start with your creative course you let the teacher know when you will attend the classes. This way you can be as flexible as you need to be.

And we also know when we will see you. Even with six lessons you will be able to start your creative journey. And if you want to go all in, with eighteen lessons in a year you are also more than welcome.


join our mosaïcs course


During the Mosaïcs course you will make your own art work on a wooden shape. You will make the design, choose the colors and start chipping away.

We start with tiles, in a diverse range of colors.

But Mosaïcs can also be done with other materials. If you are up for experimenting you are at the right adress, why stop at tiles when you can use a variety of different materials, like eggshells, bottle caps, shells, coins, marbles, wood etcetera. 


During the workshop we will give you tips & tricks on what to do and what to avoid.

Some color combinations work great together others give a dull effect. 

And what about the grout. We teach you how to appy the grout but also how to color your grout. Sometimes you want something more vibrant than white, black or grey. 

During the course you learn how to get the amazing result you are looking for.


Making Mosaïcs is addictive and a very meditative activity. It leads to amazing results that will surprise your friends and family.

During this course you will discover if you are a true mosaïcs artist or just want to do it for fun. 

At the end of each course you will be able to showcase (and maybe even sell) your work during a student exhibition. 

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